
28 04, 2016

Top 3 reasons for LinkEdge users to adopt ApplePay now!


LinkEdge users are accustom to getting things first. The LinkEdge payments strategy is no different. Take EMV. Long before most Point of Sale systems could offer an integrated EMV solution, LinkEdge and Go CardConnect launched afully integrated EMV solution for their entire customer base. With the October 1st Liability Shift for fraudulent transactions driving adoption for EMV, Go CardConnect [...]

Top 3 reasons for LinkEdge users to adopt ApplePay now!2021-02-28T17:35:58+00:00
8 02, 2016

How we help LinkEdge users


LinkEdge users are a unique group of business owners dedicated to their craft, and offering the best service and support for their customer base. You’ve recognized the value offered through the platform, and feel comfortable navigating the easy design and using the support tools. You’ve trusted them to upload inventories and add connections with your [...]

How we help LinkEdge users2021-02-27T21:40:33+00:00
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