EMV Churn

8 02, 2016

EMV liability shift exposes increase in fraudulent transactions


EMV is here. We’re all using it at Target  and other “early adopters” that demanded the added security features of EMV acceptance. Yes, it’s different and the transaction takes longer. No one really likes it.   But, this technology was created for a specific reason; reduce fraud.   Does it work? Download our Credit Card Processing 101 eBook to learn more [...]

EMV liability shift exposes increase in fraudulent transactions2021-02-28T18:05:59+00:00
29 01, 2016

How to Eliminate Churn in One Easy Step


If your business depends on recurring payments, such as SaaS subscriptions, monthly membership or “Cards on File”, your ability to collect a consistent recurring revenue stream is directly impacted by changes to credit card information. When cards expire, and each time a massive card data breach happens, new credit cards are issued with updated payment information. Now, with [...]

How to Eliminate Churn in One Easy Step2021-02-28T17:54:17+00:00
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